Like Clockwork: Angry Birds Seasons 2013 Christmas Update Out

Posted by Unknown Senin, 02 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Angry Birds Seasons Rovio Mobile Christmas Update

Year after year Rovio adds to their portfolio of games and continues to find the time to make updates to some of the ones that helped start it all. Rovio has released their annual Christmas update for Angry Birds Seasons that brings in 25 more pig smashing frozen holiday levels, plus 4 bonus levels. Sticking to tradition, this isn’t one update you can blow through today. You will get one new level to play every day, giving you something to look forward to waking up to. Unless you are like me, and wait until Christmas to start playing so you can have them all at once.

As always the update is free for those that still have the game installed, if you don’t, then feel free to hit the link below and get yourself in the Holiday spirit. Along with every other holiday that has come and gone this year.

Angry Birds Seasons Play Store Link

by Stormy Beach via AndroidSPIN
Judul: Like Clockwork: Angry Birds Seasons 2013 Christmas Update Out
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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