Google Play Music is officially available for Glass Explorers

Posted by Unknown Senin, 02 Desember 2013 0 komentar

After the surprise of sideloading the Google Play Music APK on Google Glass actually working, Google has finally gotten around to releasing Play Music for Glass users.

The announcement came from Stephen Lau, who has mentioned a few different times on Google+ he was involved in bringing music to Glass Explorers.

Explorers can visit their Glass page and find the option to install Play Music in the Glassware section, or by using the MyGlass app on an Android device.

In the few minutes I have experimented with it, I have to say it doesn’t run as smooth as the sideloaded APK did. Hopefully the release is to blame and the kinks will be worked out here shortly.

The post Google Play Music is officially available for Glass Explorers appeared first on AndroidGuys.

by Jason Cipriani via AndroidGuys
Judul: Google Play Music is officially available for Glass Explorers
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