At Sea in the Gulf of Mexico with @hablame_del_mar_marine To...

Posted by Unknown Senin, 02 Desember 2013 0 komentar

At Sea in the Gulf of Mexico with @hablame_del_mar_marine

To view more photos and videos from the Gulf of Mexico, be sure to follow @hablame_del_mar_marine.

A simple love of the ocean and the vastness of large ships drew Ariel Flores (@hablame_del_mar_marine) to a career as a Merchant Marine. He grew up in Chetumal, a small town four hours from Cancún, Mexico, and now lives further northwest on the Yucatán Peninsula near the Gulf of Mexico. As a second deck officer DPO (Dynamic Position Operator), he monitors satellite systems and laser references to ensure 80-meter (262-foot) DP2 boats maintain their position at sea.

Ariel takes followers aboard his ship through the photos and videos he shares. “I joined Instagram because I love my job and not many people know what we do at sea,” he explains. “I like Instagram because it allows me to share what I do with the world. The responses from a great many followers have been overwhelming. They motivate me to keep shooting and keep enjoying my job.”

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