Dennis Woodside of Motorola Apologizes for Cyber Monday Debacle. New Deals Coming.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 02 Desember 2013 0 komentar


Cyber Monday has come to a close, and hopefully a lot of you out there got discounted gifts for yourself and loved ones. If you were one of the many lucky users that were trying to get yourself a Moto X and trying to use the Moto Maker, well your Cyber Monday wasn’t all that great. The site suffered terrible issues from the heavy trsffic, and people were unable to put their orders in. Luckily though, Motorola is going to try to make up for it.

Dennis Woodside sent out an apology to all the people that couldn’t get their order in today. It was then mentioned that Motorola plans on relaunching the promo this Wednesday starting at 12pm EST, 9 am PST time. You will be able to get yourself a Moto X using the Moto Maker for the $350 price tag, and just to add another cherry on top, Motorola is planning another promo for Monday, December 9th, as well. Nice to see that they are showing care to their customers, and if you want to read the entire apology, click the source link below.

Source: Motorola Blog

by David Pena via AndroidSPIN
Judul: Dennis Woodside of Motorola Apologizes for Cyber Monday Debacle. New Deals Coming.
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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