The Simplest Storytelling: @devincastro’s...
The Simplest Storytelling: @devincastro’s #myweekinscraps
To follow along with Devin’s weekly updates, follow @devincastro on Instagram. Want to try it for yourself? Arrange your scraps this weekend, take a photo and share it with his #myweekinscraps hashtag.
Inspired by a combination of his mother’s advice, Nicholas Felton (@feltron)’s Annual Reports and a pair of particularly compelling fortune cookies, Instagrammer Devin Castro (@devincastro) decided he needed a creative, simple way to keep track of and share the story of his day-to-day life. Through his #myweekinscraps series, Devin sets about keeping a record of his leftover items at the end of each week as a “personal instagram newsletter” to himself and his followers.
From candy wrappers and parking receipts to post cards and instant photos, Devin’s assemblages of items work like a series of clues, sparking his followers imaginations to fill in the story of his week—and his life. As Devin explains, “With this series, I want people to simply look at the scraps and take note that every little detail in their life has meaning: every receipt, every lucky penny, every candy wrapper. It’s all about the individual and what they personally find beautiful and noteworthy.”
by via Instagram Blog
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