Learn how to Hacked Nokia symbian phone s60v3 & s60v5 symbian anna and symbian belle
Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

If you’re still wondering why you should hack your Nokia phone, I’ll give you just three 3 reasons:
It allows you to install all applications whether it’s signed or not. After doing this, you’ll definitely stop seeing stupid errors like “certicate error” during installation
It allows you to install applications with expired certificates.
Before i get start Download item here
1. Install NortonSymbianHackLDD.sis (Symantec Symbian Hack).
2. Launch the application
3. Go to Antivirus >Quarantine List

4. You should see 4 files listed in Quarantine, right?
Now go to Options
Restore All.
Select Yes.

Now you’ve done with Norton. you can uninstall it from your phone if you want.
5. Install
RomPatcherPlus_3.1_LiteVersi and launch.
Click on both patches to
apply them and the blue
icons beside them should turn green.
Then Applying Installserver patch, the icon might change to a red cross.
This is where the
"installserver.exe" in the pack you donwloaded comes inside.

Now select each of them and go to Options =>> Add to Auto.
6. Install x-plore_s60_3rd_1_56.sisx and lauch.
7. Press 0 and check the first four boxes.

8. Now copy that
installserver in the pack you download to C:\sys\bin

To complete the whole process, restart your phone now.
That’s all Your phone is now been hacked. You should now be able to install any unsigned apps on your hacked symbian phone!
SOURCE: Via www.doncaprio.com
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Judul: Learn how to Hacked Nokia symbian phone s60v3 & s60v5 symbian anna and symbian belle
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