New OperaMini 7.6 Final for Android Smart Phone.
Senin, 02 September 2013

Features In OperaMini 7.6 Android:
Final: Smart Page: Smart Page on Opera Mini keeps track of all the updates that matter to you, so there’s only one place you ever need to check. You’ll be up to date with your friends, along with news, weather,sports and entertainment, as soon as you open the Smart Page. And, as always, OperaMini gives you faster and cheaper mobile browsing.
Social tab: This is a one-stop shop for the latest updates, providing an overview of your social-network activity.
Enter your Facebook, Twitter or Yahoo to get the latest updates in one place,without having to visit several webpages.

Get the latest news from a wide variety of news sources, based on your browsing habits! Opera Mini 7.6 gathers the latest news headlines from news sites relevant to you, all in one place.
Suggested links: Smart Page features a list of relevant links based on the region your Android phone is located. In the list, users get suggested links from Opera Software as well as partners of Opera.
Download Links of Opera Mini 7.6 Final for Android↓↓
Download OperaMini7.6 final Android for Phone
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Enjoy and hit the share bottom to your friend.
Judul: New OperaMini 7.6 Final for Android Smart Phone.
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