Free Download Game PC Minecraft 1.8 leak
Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Minecraft 1.8 leak is an upgrade from previous versions Minecraft. So Minecraft a pre-release 1.8 has been leaked, and then formally approved by the notch, a bit buggy and OBV they need jobs, but have announced that the final version 1.8 has been released Minecraft on Monday, September 12, 2011 die yesterday. A number of artists and builders texture mod has released version 1.8 will run with pre Minecraft Mixcraft includes HD and Products Too Much, mods, etc. Others are currently being updated and we’ll see better once you have finished debugging or when Minecraft 1, 8 final is released (Minecraft).
Feature :
- Biomes are MUCH larger and uniform than before.
- Vines
- Beef and Chicken added
- Strongholds – spawn once per world
- Ruins (basically strongholds on the ground)
- Giant mushrooms (Do not generate yet)
- Silverfish
- Creative mode
- Abandoned mine shafts
- Endermen
- Bow charging
- Sprinting Minecraft
- New high-quality Main Menu
- Chest animation (lids open, close)
- Player list on SMP; Server listings
- Setting gamemode on SMP “/gamemode username 0/1?, 1 being Creative and 0 being Survival
- Hunger
- Eating animation
- Arrows stick to mobs
- Xp bar (Gain xp from killing mobs and other players)
- New lighting engine (Colored lights, smoother lighting)
- Clouds are now at the ceiling of the world
- Cave spiders
- Zombies drop rotten flesh, which can be consumed
- Watermelons (as well as watermelon and pumpkin seeds)
- Glass panes
- Iron Bars
- Brick, Stone Brick stairs
- Smooth stone brick
- F6 & F7 Adjust the time of day when pressed/held
Judul: Free Download Game PC Minecraft 1.8 leak
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