Qatar Cyber Zone Collapsing Syrian Electronic Army Attacked
Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013
Syrian Electronic Army ( SEA ) acting up again , . Hacktivist group , which is known to support Syrian President Bashar al - Assad , has hacked many high- profile websites Qatar -based , including Google , Facebook , Aljazeera and Government - Military website .

Started at 04:25 ( GMT + 5:30 ) , Syrian Electronic Army share this message on Twitter : Qatar is # down and follow it , they go on the website shut down the government and private use extensions qa ..
Domain managed by the Qatar Ministry of Information and Communication ( ictQatar ) . Apparently , the Syrian Electronic Army gained access to Qatar Domain Registrar ( ) and modify the DNS entires to drive targeted website to a server controlled by hackers serve defacement page , which includes images Assad and the group logo , as shown .
List of sites targeted by hackers posted on Twitter - this includes :
Another tweet from SEA shows that they have unauthorized access to the Domain Registrar of Qatar :
SEA medium high profile hacker spree began early this year . Among the victims are the group The Financial Times , The Guardian , and the Associated Press . More recently , Washington Post shot . Common theme running : newspaper stories reported SEA did not like .

At the time of reporting , most sites still show deface page hijacked while others are now down . This attack is one more example of why companies need to implement a layered defense strategy either .
Have you been affected ?
Judul: Qatar Cyber Zone Collapsing Syrian Electronic Army Attacked
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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