Free Download WhatsApp for PC

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Whatsapp is a free communication tools via chat or text with a multi-platform application Whatsapp which initially was only just can run on mobile phones iPhone only, but with the development of increasingly sophisticated mobile technology that many are using Whatsapp applications include: android based phones, smartphone, windows mobille and blackberry applications. But make no mistake now start...

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Free Download WhatsApp for Android

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
DescriptionGet WhatsApp Messenger and say goodbye to SMS!WhatsApp Messenger is a smartphone messenger available for Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Phone and Nokia phones. WhatsApp uses your 3G or WiFi (when available) to message with friends and family. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, pictures, audio notes, and video messages. First year FREE! ($0.99/year after)WHY...

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Free Download Team Viewer for Android Tablet

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
DescriptionRemotely control your computer with TeamViewer Free while you are on the road!Mobile and flexible: remotely access computers from your android device!Easily support friends and family when they have computer problems - no matter where you are. You can also benefit from gaining access to your private home computer to edit documents or use particular software while you are on the road.more...

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Hidden Features on Google Map for Android

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Google Maps (on Android Phones) Labs As it does with many products, Google maintains an evolving Labs section of experimental features in its Google Maps mobile app. The Google Maps Labs features vary based on what Google's working on at the moment, but right now you'll find four optional add-ons that you can activate:Google Maps Lab #1: "Measure"Google Maps MeasureThe "Measure" option in Google Maps...

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Tips dan Triks Game PES 2013

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Tips – Trik crossing PES 2013    * Umpan dasar, tekan X.    * Umpan Terobosan Dasar, Tekan Segitiga.    * Umpan Terobosan Lambung, Tekan Segitigan dan L1 secara bersamaan    * Umpan Lambung tinggi. Tekan tombol O sekali saja.    * Umpan Lambung menengah. Tekan tombol O dua kali.    * Umpan Lambung mendatar. Tenekan...

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Free Download Game Fifa 2013 For PC

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
FIFA 13 PC System RequirementsProcessor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66GHz or Equivalent AMD processorRam: 2 GBOperating System: Windos XP, Vista, SevenDirectX: DirectX 9 or betterGraphics Card: NVIDIA 8400GS or aboveSound Card: DirectX 9 compatible or betterDisk Space: around 7 GB Minimum System RequirementsOS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7CPU: Intel Core2Duo @ 2.4Ghz or similar AMDRAM: 2 GBHDD: GB...

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What is Android? (Operating System)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Android is a Linux-based operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers, developed by Google in conjunction with the Open Handset Alliance. Initially developed by Android Inc, whom Google financially backed and later purchased in 2005, Android was unveiled in 2007 along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 86 hardware,...

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Install Blackberry Messangger on Iphone

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Are you also sometimes jealous of your friends who have a blackberry and are all using blackberry messenger together, and that you, as an iphone owner do not have a chance to use blackberry messenger because it is not supported? With the program of bbm on iphone you can! You can open up blackberry messenger on your iphone without any problem!You do not need a jailbroken iphone or ipod touch,...

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Download Blackberry for Iphone

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
BBM for iPhone is an application that has been requested by many users. All of the users who were waiting for the app to launch can now finally download BBM for iPhone on here for free! The application will work on an iPhone 3/3GS/4/4S, and it will also be compatible with the new iPhone 5.BBM for iPhone will have the following functions:- Advanced messaging system that can send messages between BBM...

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Install Windows On Android

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
To run windows on android emulator needs, some of which are Qemu and Bochs. Like most definitely need the emulator image so that applications can run, as well as requiring Qemu and Bochs image files as well.Qemu vs BochsQemu is an is very fast emulator, but it has a bug. SB16 emulation working, but no MIDI music. FPU emulation is incorrect / incomplete, which can cause some programs not to run or...

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Free Download PES 2013 Full for PC

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Download PES 2013 PC Full Version download dame pes 2013 gratis untuk komputer dan postingan sebelum nya saya bahas mengenai android yaitu free download pes 2012 untuk android siapa yang ga kenal dengan game ini bagi pecinta sepak bola , kalau belum tau kenalan dulu, apa bener yang versi 2013 sudah ada ? jawabanya memang ada tapi hanya untuk demo saja, kalau untuk full...

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Download Game : Metal Slug for Android

Posted by Unknown Senin, 08 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
This time I share another HD game android metalslug who do not bother to install fpse or GameBoid. if you want to play this game Metal Slug, just install apk and you can instantly play. definitely not a friend already familiar with this Metal Slug game, this game is my favorite game when I was a kidDownload Game here...

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Java mobile tricks: Accelerating Performance Java phones

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
For those of you who have a mobile phone Java, certainly has interesting applications that are installed on your phone. The number of application developers are also interested in making you download the application. But too many applications that you download and install on your phone, is likely to affect the performance of your Java phone. The longer, the performance of your mobile phone will continue...

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Download Angry Bird for Java Phone

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
This time I want to write about the game, the game is so familiar, seems incomplete if I do not write about the angry bird. This game is very popular.Game Angry Birds is a popular game and very familiar digs even today. The game is available in a variety of platforms, such as Windows PC, iOS, Android, etc.. Game Angry Birds can be played on mobile Java, especially nokia.Download Angry Birds For...

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Remote TV via Android Phones

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Android phone does many functions, this time I share how I change the android phone into a TV remote.Terms and conditions:    1. not the analog TV,, but the new LCD HDTV that already has an ethernet interface, and brand samsung, exactly Samsung LED series 5 32 ".    2. Having a wireless router, because konksi remotenya will be done via WifiThe steps to change your Android...

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Control Your Computer With WiFi Remote Android

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
With wifi remote application, we can run winamp (adjust volume, change tracks, etc), TTPlayer, Media player classic, pc shutdown, log off, turn off the screen, and turn on the screen through our beloved android phone.Wifi Remote Settings In the PC (server):    1.  Download wifi remote server for pc.    2.  Run wifi remote server on pc    3. ...

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